Korean Journal of Acupuncture

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Differential diagnosis through clinical symptoms and physical examination findings

Clinical symptoms & physical examinations Associated disorders Probability
Negative LCL, MCL stress test Lateral & medial collateral ligament injury Low
Negative McMurray test Meniscal tear Low
Negative Grinding test Patellofemoral chondral lesion Low
Negative Lachman test Anterior cruciate ligament injury Low
Negative Drawer sign Posterior cruciate ligament injury Low
Positive Yeoman test (right) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction High
Positive SIJ tenderness (right) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction High
Positive Patrick test (right) Hip joint lesion, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction High
Positive Gluteus minimus/medius tenderness Hip joint muscle sprain or tendon lesion High

LCL : lateral collateral ligament, MCL : medial collateral ligament.

Korean J Acupunct 2024;41:163-70 https://doi.org/10.14406/acu.2024.024
© 2024 Korean J Acupunct