Korean Journal of Acupuncture

Fig. 1.

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Fig. 1. The results of the rotarod test.
The motor abilities of the MPTP group significantly decreased compared to the CTL group, and the motor abilities of the MPTP_A group significantly increased compared to the MPTP group. Control (CTL) group, MPTP treatment only (MPTP) group, MPTP and acupuncture at LR3 and GB34 (MPTP-A) group, and MPTP and acupuncture in non-acupoint (MPTP-NA) group. Values are meansĀ±SE. *p<0.005 compared to CTL and #p<0.05, compared to MPTP were considered significant. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted for statistical analysis. Post hoc analyses were performed using the LSD test.
Korean J Acupunct 2024;41:127-35 https://doi.org/10.14406/acu.2024.026
© 2024 Korean J Acupunct