Korean Journal of Acupuncture

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Characteristics of study participant

Variable Total Women Men p-value
n (%) 1,362 (100.0%) 1,015 (74.5%) 347 (25.5%)
Age (years)
20∼29 292 (21.4%) 191 (18.8%) 101 (29.1%) 0.001
30∼39 215 (15.8%) 163 (16.1%) 52 (15.0%)
40∼49 303 (22.2%) 241 (23.7%) 62 (17.9%)
50∼59 291 (21.4%) 228 (22.5%) 63 (18.1%)
60+ 261 (19.2%) 192 (18.9%) 69 (19.9%)
BMI (kg/m2)
<18.5 67 (4.9%) 66 (6.5%) 1 (0.3%) <0.001
18.5∼22.9 888 (65.2%) 713 (70.2%) 175 (50.4%)
23.0∼24.9 343 (25.2%) 195 (19.2%) 148 (42.7%)
>25.0 64 (4.7%) 41 (4.0%) 23 (6.6%)

p-values were obtained from chi-squared tests. The categorical variables are reported as the frequency and proportion. BMI : Body mass index.

Korean J Acupunct 2023;40:99-108 https://doi.org/10.14406/acu.2023.008
© 2023 Korean J Acupunct