Korean Journal of Acupuncture

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Working area and main symptoms of MM, WAA, MPS and FA

Working area The twelve-meridian muscle. Division of six regions based on the pathways of twelve meridians. Muscles and fascia in trigger points. Muscles and fascia in trigger points.
Main symptoms Functional impairments: pain, pulling sensation, spasms, relaxation, distortion, rigidity, and contraction, among others. Muscle damage in limbs and trunk, various pain-related conditions, and neurological, psychiatric disorders, among others. Acute and chronic damage to musculoskeletal system muscles. Localized pain in the limbs, musculoskeletal disorders, referred pain, and craniofacial conditions.
Korean J Acupunct 2023;40:33-43 https://doi.org/10.14406/acu.2023.006
© 2023 Korean J Acupunct